Grief Counseling

The Armstrong Funeral Home realizes that the grief process does not end with the conclusion of the funeral. Their outreach to families extends through the important after-care adjustment period. The Armstrong family is dedicated to helping their families bridge the gap between loss and coping. This is why they established the Armstrong Grief Resource Centre. Since its inception, the Grief Resource Centre has been lauded by many community organizations as a pillar in the field of grief counselling and education. Armstrong’s also has an extensive lending library of books and videos on grief and related subjects. Their outreach extends to the community at large, in the form of seminars on grief and funeral education.

Grief Resource Library

We have an excellent selection of books on grief in our resource Library.  Below are a few of the books available.

Widow to Widow
By Genevieve Davis Ginsburg, M.S.

Teach Me How to Lose
By Tom Easthope, F.D., C.D.E, CT.

Talking About Death
By Virginia Morris

A Broken Heart Still Beats
By Abbie McCracken & Mary Semel

Pain the Challenge & the Gift
By Jane Brooks

A Grace Disguised
How the Soul Grows Through Loss
By Jerry Sittser